Where I Stand Today

I have found that I look back and wonder what have I accomplished? Truthfully, it feels like nothing. All I did was grow, maybe mentally, maybe emotionally, but I still live in my parents’ basement. I still have the stressful mess I feel like I started with. I never stop working toward better. My family […]

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Crockpot results

* A.D.D.: So why didn’t I post sooner? I have no idea. There was a snow storm. I fell asleep. I felt guilt associated with not taking pictures of my progress. But now there are results. The first batch turned out edible I……guess…… First crockpot recipe that I did went like this: Chicken broth onions […]

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As I work this slow climb up the mountain of recovery from the depths of an underworld of depression, I struggle against relapse. I lack motivation towards keep going. The mess grows out of control like an untamed monster let loose on an unsuspecting defenseless village. Hurt and pain of guilt of not being good […]

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It’s only when I became a mother that I relies that Mother’s day had nothing to do with mother’s but in fact had to do with the kids. Our love for them has brought us to be mother’s in the first place. Without them, who would need our attention? Where would we find that things […]

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