Taking Time

I have no time. No time to do stuff that needs done. No time for myself. No time to spend with people that I love. all I do is work, sleep, zone out and watch netflix. I learned one has to take time. It’s there and we have to make it ours. Take time to kiss our loved ones goodbye when we are rushing out the door. Take time to prep our meals for work so that we have more money at the end of the week. Take time to care. If we take time to show we care, then we invest in that we love most. I feel as I have not been cared for growing up and that is why I feel I’m learning what others must have known all their lives. But it is worth discovering now. It’s not that one doesn’t necessarily not care, but I believe it’s more they’re not able or even not knowing how. Unless something is wrong, like a side effect of med. or they are suffer from medical reasons. People have thoughts and feelings, and if they do or don’t do something it’s because they have a reason.

Learning how to care, and learning how to show that I care doesn’t mean I was lazy or uncaring before. It means I’m growing as a person. I understand that people don’t change, People grow from their experiences, and change their perspective. This allows them act differently to how they handle what happens to them. From learning to take time to do what I need to do. I have grown to take the lead of my time. I follow less and lead more.

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